5 Ways to Use Black ops Hypnosis
If you are looking for ways to influence and persuade people then the techniques in blackops hypnosis can help you make the right moves to get what you want from others. There is nothing wrong in persuading people, as long as it is for the highest good of all. Imagine if charity organizations didn't know how to persuade the third world countries would be starving and thousands of children would go around without having anything to eat. But, for our purpose we are looking at techniques that will help you gain ground in small social gatherings and groups. In this article we will look at 5 ways to use blackops hypnosis techniques that will make you more influential in your society.
Show the tip of the Iceberg:
You know the saying 'A tree is known by its fruit' What it means is that people will make decisions about you based on what you speak and how you speak. You are considered more knowledgeable if you come up with subjects that are new and off beat. The cool thing is you don't have to sit and study for hours about different subjects. There are places where you can collect fascinating facts that will make people drop their jaws and wonder "how much more you have in store for them". In blackops we call it 'Nickel knowledge'.
Be the Alpha
In the stone age the person with healthy physique and fighting skills was considered the leader of the tribe or simply called the 'alpha male'. In today's world the person with more knowledge and skills is considered the 'alpha'. Your goal then is to appear to be the most knowledgeable and skillful person in your group. From now on, start thinking in terms of "What can I do to make others think that I'm the alpha of this group?"and act accordingly
Evoke an emotional response
There are people who talk for hours together and make no impression at all. On the other hand there are people who say a few words and make the listeners think about them all day along. Abe Lincoln's address would be a good example of that. When you speak you need to evoke some emotions in the minds of listeners. The emotion you need to evoke will depend on what environment you are in and the objective of your conversation.
Appeal to Self-interest
Most of the time people will act for their self-interest even when they are giving donation to charity they want to experience that altruistic feeling that comes along with it. In blackops hypnosis you learn how to identify the basic desires and target your words and deeds to make others what you want them to do. The next time you speak to your friend casually bring up something that person is interested in and watch the changes in his body language notice the changes in eyes. This will help you to learn how to get attention of your listeners.
Play with imagination
When two people talk there are lot of things going on behind the scenes. Each one is constantly judging the other and impressions are being formed. Your objective then is to make sure you make good impression on your listener. 'Good' doesn't necessarily mean 'humble' or 'noble' at least in this context. It simply means the impression that you want to create in that situation. If you want to be seen as a 'knowledgeable' person then speak accordingly. If you want to be seen as an innocent person that can be taken advantage of, then act accordingly. In the latter scenario 'the hunter becomes the hunted' when you act innocent people will underestimate you, drop their covers and go for the kill, that's when you reveal who you really are and outsmart them.
There are lot of tricks and techniques in blackops you can use everyday. Once you know blackops hypnosis, you become the director, you dictate the scenes and you sit back and watch while others play the 'game of life' to your tunes.
Black Ops Hypnosis
Reviewed by ImpactSpirituality
April 01, 2020

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