Astral projection was once thought to be a practice performed by mystical people born with magical gifts. Now we have come to realize that anyone is capable of astral projection and in fact studies show we all possess this innate ability from birth. As children reaching this state of our being is easier and more common, but as we get older we tend to gradually lose touch with this inherent skill. The good news is anyone can recapture and harness this forgotten ability with the right techniques and approach.
If you are curious to explore astral projection again for yourself, here is a step by step guide:
Remember, astral projection is a skill that anyone can master very find success without proper guidance and technique. If you do find yourself getting closer to reaching that final plane during astral projection, embrace this realm as an adventure worth discovering. You will see that it can become a harmless and freeing exploration.
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If you are curious to explore astral projection again for yourself, here is a step by step guide:
1. Preparation
To successfully allow yourself to transcend into the astral realm you must first prepare the right setting and stage. Try to go to bed an hour or so earlier than usual and set your clock an hour earlier every morning. Eventually you will wake up earlier naturally and feeling more rested. The best time to practice astral projection is when your body is rested and you are free of outside distractions. These outside interference deter us from separating our mind from our physical state. So it is a good idea to turn off any alarms, cell phones, televisions, or another device that produces noise. Set a comfortable room temperature for when you wake up and make sure there is little morning light shining through.2. Meditation
Meditating requires relaxation and focus. It helps if we clear our minds to allow new experiences to enter. A great technique to help us meditate is to try to picture an area in the back of our head and concentrate on that specific region while closing our eyes. Our mind tends to function differently when we are in a problem solving or creative stage. We need to slow down our brain wave activity to a point where our mind is awake but our physical body is asleep and the two are split apart.3. Vibration
Prior to reaching a state of projecting we experience a "tingling" feeling known as the "vibration state". This is an indication that we are beginning the stages where our mind is separating from our physical body. This is usually characterized by a numbing sensation where we start to lose control of our senses. If you have ever woke up, but felt as though you couldn't move your body, you may have been entering this stage.4. Separation
It is during this stage where your mind and body become split apart. You experience a heightened sense of mental alertness while your physical self is completely at rest. Full trust and belief can allow you to go with this stage until your mind can take you wherever you decide to go. Most of us block this stage because of fear and lack of understanding and trust. We tend to "pull back" and retreat into our physical self and either fall back to sleep or in some cases force ourselves to wake suddenly.5. Reception
Allowing ourselves to accept the separation or exit stage without fear, can allow us to experience astral projection to its fullest potential. With practice you can gain more control over this stage and go to places and see things not normally possible. Floating out of your body, traveling to remote lands, visiting friends hundreds of miles away, and even seeing relatives and family members who have passed away are all commonly reported occurrences during astral projection.Remember, astral projection is a skill that anyone can master very find success without proper guidance and technique. If you do find yourself getting closer to reaching that final plane during astral projection, embrace this realm as an adventure worth discovering. You will see that it can become a harmless and freeing exploration.
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The Art Of Astral Projection
Reviewed by ImpactSpirituality
April 01, 2020

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