Align Your Chakras Now With The Galactic Tree Of Life
I have a story to tell you. It may help to explain a lot of things in your life but also help to give perspective on the history of the planet. It may change the way you view the transformation Planet Earth is going through now. I had a session years ago with client who was a really nice man but with considerable "darkness" in his life. I asked how I might help him and he said he did not know, the time with me was not his idea.
I said I would look at his planetary history to find the most important information that would help him to understand himself. I went back to his life in Lemuria, the civilization before Atlantis. An angel appear to him saying "we need your help." He responded, I am willing to help, what do you need? They said what they needed was difficult and he responded that he was willing. They said a darkness had come over the Planet. And most souls were too weak to handle the darkness. He repeated he would help, what did the angels need from him? They said they needed him to take on this darkness as many souls were too weak. He responded, I will do it. They told him that it would be hard because he would not "remember" and he might get lost in the darkness. He said he would do it for the others.
Good and Evil On Planet Earth
Widen your lens and it might help you to understand the violence and conflict today on Planet Earth Perhaps the most important aspect of your life in relation to "others" is not that you are Jewish or Christian or American or French or Iranian, perhaps the most important aspect of you is that you are fro m Planet Earth and there are "others" out there that are "different" and have different intentions from than those who are from here. Perhaps we really need now to really understand what is going on.
We are in a final battle between light and dark on Planet Earth. We need to widen our lens to know who we are and who our true enemies are. We are multidimensional beings. We have parts of ourselves in several dimensions at a time. We are energetically structured like the Tree of Life which is the backbone of our multi dimensional system. Our individual sacred tree of life is our chakra system. Its center axis is the trunk of the tree of your life, it is yourHoly Grael, with its funnel like structure at the top drawing in off planet energies and a funnel like shape at the bottom, drawing in Earth energies. Unfortunately the top of your tree of life will be filled with the energy of Xibalba from the Dark Rift because of the alignments which completes on on December 21, 2012. Unfortunately the bottom of your Tree of Life, your Holy Grael is already susceptible to the energies from Xibalba due to the Earths broken Brahmahvara.
December 2012 And Beyond
Who is going to take on the darkness from the broken Brahmahvara in the Gulf of Mexico? Who is going to take on the darkness that will enter the Planet via the super massive black hole that is aligning with Planet Earth now?
Who will go to war to process the violence and conflict that is pouring onto the Planet now? Who will kill and main and be killed and injured to protect those of us who are not strong enough to process these energies?
If it is true that Jerusalem is to be the site of the final battle between light and dark, good and evil, then the people's who spiritually choose to carry the dark energy poured onto the Planet are sacrificing themselves for all of us.
To us they appear to be enemies and are declared so by their political stances, but in reality they are part of the process of the ending of a cycle on Planet Earth, the preamble to entering the Golden Age. Jerusalem, Israelis, Palestinians, all willing to battle for all of us souls, sacrificing themselves by processing the energies of conflict and violence's so that our souls can be free. And lets not forget Jesus Christ It is time you recognized your mastery and your destiny. You are good, and if you have behaved "badly" it was always with the intention to help others.
It is time now to put down your weapons whether they be guns or words. It is time to let go of your guilt that you were not a better person and see that at the deepest level you wanted what was good for all. Do not try to understand the details of your life, just know that it is now that you must truly let go and go inside to find your goodness and your power.
It is not too late to you say you are sorry, but it is to yourself that you must apologize because you have not had enough compassion for what you have been through. Stop feeling guilty, stop feeling inadequate and start at this moment to access your destiny and your wisdom.
Take the time now to align with the most important event in human history, the formation of the Sacred Tree of Life in the stars. Take the time to ensure your internal Tree of Life is aligned with that Sacred Tree.
FREE Chakra Tree of Life Necklace
Reviewed by ImpactSpirituality
April 03, 2020
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