How To Hear God - Hearing God Through The Bible
God speaks through His written word. It's living and active and He's speaking to you through it today.
You need to read God's word regularly, study it and meditate on it. It's designed to be a lamp to your feet and a plumb line to test everything by. When you read the Bible, read it with the expectation that God will speak to you through it's pages.
When you first learn to hear from God, He mostly speaks through Scripture. A Bible passage suddenly 'comes alive' to you - it almost jumps out from the page and you understand it in a way you didn't before.
God will speak to you about things that aren't actually in the Bible, but if it is God speaking, what you hear will always agree with the principles you find in the Bible. If you "hear" something that doesn't agree with what the Bible says, you need to reject it as not being from God.
John 6:63 says that the words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life. You need to feed on God's word to be spiritually healthy. God's word is like food and you need fresh food every day to grow strong in God.
God gave Scripture as a guide to train you in His ways. It's important that you know what God says about things. If you don't know what the Bible says, you can easily be deceived into believing that what you think or hear, is God leading you, when it isn't.
There are many ways to read and hear through God's written word. Here are a few suggestions:
Read a whole book through at one sitting to get a feel for what God is
Read the same book in 5 different versions so that it really becomes a
part of you
Take one verse or passage and meditate on it
Use study aids to help you unlock the meaning of what you're reading
Read through the Psalms for months at a time until they become a part of
Read one chapter of Proverbs a day alongside whatever else you are
Personalise what you are reading and pray God's word back to Him
· Invite the Holy
Spirit to come alongside as you read and allow him to be your teacher
I can't stress enough how important it is to know what the word of God says so that you won't easily be deceived. If you have a dream, a prophecy, a vision, inner thoughts or an audible voice that doesn't line up with God's word, then it isn't God speaking to you.Our Father has given us His written word to help keep us on track. All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness ... Timothy 3:16-17 When you read God's word it renews your mind.Beware of falling into the trap of taking words out of context so that they fit with what you want to believe God is saying. When you are learning to hear God it's important to check everyhting out with the written word of God. If someone says they have revelation from God, one of the tests is whether or not it agrees with God's word.
The Bible says many things about God's word, Psalm 119 has much to say about it and I recommend that you read it.
Hearing God Through The Bible
Reviewed by ImpactSpirituality
April 02, 2020
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